Notability is an iPad and Mac OS application that allows users to take notes. This application is assigned to all secondary staff and students on their iPad.

Curious how to use Notability in the classroom?

The ways that students and teachers use Notability are vast. It’s the perfect study aid for all types of learners: auditory (record and playback audio synced to writing for exam), visual (handwrite with Apple Pencil or share with Presentation Mode), Read/Write (type and annotate).

Students: Notability makes it easy to organize class notes, write out thoughts, record classes, and review for exams. It combines multiple inputs like sketching, handwriting, audio recording, photos, and more into one simple-to-use interface. Students can annotate slides, present projects in class, learn a language, and even complete and turn in class assignments in the cloud. Not to mention it can lighten backpacks; students can import presentation slides or even textbooks to review and mark-up!

Teachers: Use Notability as a single place to collect work, grade, provide student feedback and even present lessons (replacing traditional whiteboards). Teachers also use Notability to screencast and create videos and notes that they share with their students before and after class so that students can learn the concepts on their own time.

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